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Scientists and environmental groups warn that Guna Yala, Azuero, Bocas del Toro and Chiriqui are the areas of Panama that will be most affected by climate change. For years, the sea has been an ally of Guna Yala town, providing food and resources, but in recent years the ocean has become a threat. 


The Guna Yala province is made up of 365 islands and islets, of which 49 are inhabited. However, some of these areas have experienced the danger of sea level rise as it approaches and floods their homes. Alida Spadafora, director of Ancon, reported each year the Panamanian Caribbean sea increases two millimeters, causing valuable parts of national land to disappear. 


Levies and storm walls remain an option to fight the rising sea level; however, many under developed countries would not be able to afford to build such infrastructure. The populations on the coast would be forced to move, displacing millions of people and causing lots of damage.


Islands and Coasts Disappear due to Sea Level Rise 

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